Answers given to the many ‘what if’ questions faced by the farming & crofting community

A picture of Ruth Newbold

TL Dallas in Shetland hopes to reassure crofters and farmers with a solution to many of the ‘what if’ questions they face in the day to day running of their businesses.

Associate Director, Ruth Newbold, is based at TL Dallas on 64 Burgh Road, Lerwick. She said: “If the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)came knocking on your door, animal rights activists target you, or there’s been a fatal accident on your premises, or any other situation where you require legal assistance, you would hope that your Legal Expenses insurance policy would cover you. However, Legal Expenses cover isn’t always that simple.”

Many crofters and farmers insure tangible things because they don’t want to be affected by their loss, but often it’s the intangible things, such as legal matters, that can have far more life-changing consequences if not prevented or handled correctly. Ruth explained: “That’s why it’s important to ensure that you have the best assistance and protection in place to cover you in these situations.”

Rural Protect is an insurance product that covers more than Legal Expenses Insurance and is a must-have for anyone involved in the crofting and farming sector.  It is what is known as a Management Liability insurance policy that protects all individuals in the business and automatically covers the Personal Liability, Company Legal Liability and Directors Family Legal Expenses with the option to include cover for Employment disputes.

Ruth added: “Rural Protect provides proactive tools to help avoid the situations above, but should the worst happen, it also gives you access to rradar, a specialist litigation and commercial law firm that can provide advice and support on a wide range of matters, and ultimately legal defence in the event of a covered claim.”

rradar’s defence has already saved numerous businesses from claims costs they would have otherwise been liable for had they not been covered by Rural Protect with the costs running into thousands, avoiding potentially catastrophic effects to the businesses that would stop them from being able to continue trading.

Ruth said: “One example of where Rural Protect helped was when a fatal accident occurred on a farm due to a worker falling in front of a moving tractor, a prosecution case was brought forward by the HSE under Section 2 of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974. The owner of the farm was insured by Rural Protect, meaning rradar acted as their defence team. There was a prosecution, as the farmer was at fault, costs and fees were more than £43,000 which included £6,050 in relation to the HSE’s Fee For Intervention (FFI) – a charge that is not covered by Employers’ Liability insurance. All of this was met by Rural Protect, but more importantly, the farmer had instant legal representation from the moment the tragic incident occurred.

It’s also just as important to ensure you are protected in the event of any mismanagement in the running of your business,” explained Ruth. Underwritten by AXA Insurance UK plc, Rural Protect covers a wide range of businesses, whether they are limited companies, partnerships or sole traders, against issues such as: CAP Schemes – for appeals relating to a reduction of payment, Rent Arbitration – for issues with a rent review, Fraud – for accidental payments sent to a fraudster’s account, Tax – including all types of HMRC investigations, Family Legal Expenses – covering the households of each insured business director or owner, Pursuit – to pursue a third party to recover money owed or put things right where there is a contractual dispute, and more.”

For more details and a free no obligation quotation, contact Ruth Newbold and the team at TL Dallas via email: or call 01595 720480.